Thursday, September 24, 2009

First Meeting!

The Honorable Katharine Kirk presided over Key Club's first meeting of the year on September 23, 2009. The teacher's room, complete with multiple vending machines, a fridge, microwave, and perhaps an oven (?), housed about 11 enthusiastic Key Clubbers (Clubbi?) and Mr. Kuntzman, deeply vested in reading True Compass. We discussed fun(d)raising ideas, witty posters, and volunteer projects; effectively put together the Trick or Treat for UNICEF cardboard boxes; and consumed inhuman amounts of Candy Corn--alerting everyone when a plain yellow one was found. Despite a lackluster attendance due to Drama Club proceedings, Kirk was more enthusiastic than most anyone had ever seen her...ever. Icebreakers were played and pins marveled over. Joy embedded in the hearts of children.
The most pressing issue on hand was the need for baked goods and people selling them at tonight's parent open house. See how that all played out in the next post...!

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