Thursday, September 24, 2009

First Fundraiser: Open House Bake Sale

For Key Club's first fundraiser, we decided to exploit hungry confused parents by selling them fattening foods for low low prices! We sold every single baked good, making over $100! Niko will also be running a canned soda business out of her locker, selling them to underclassmen trapped among countless other bodies in the hallway. The next meeting is Tuesday, September 29 at 6:30 p.m.

Photo 1: Niko makes the sale, having caught a hungry parent in her crosshairs.
Photo 2: An artsy shot of Niko and Molly in their element.
Photo 3: How could you not buy a snack from that face?
Photo 4: Niko is vewwy exciiteddd! (Left): Manning children's first attempt at baking

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