Tuesday, December 7, 2010

12/7 meeting

running da meeting
Me on a Blackberry Torch-it's kind of a big deal
Hey! Tonight we talked about what we are doing for this holiday season. So, we are doing Dress Alive Doll from the Salvation Army. We are doing a girl, and will be meeting on Dec.17 at the Cape Cod Mall at 5 to shop for her. Also, we are doing another girl for a different program. You can bring stuff in for her to Mrs. Monroe's room. Ask Dan for more information. Next week, we will have are pin introduction ceremony. Ask Alfred if you still want to order a shirt.

11/30 meeting

Gracie lovin her new shirt.
New shirts! Get excited!
Hello key club kids! The meeting of 11/30 we got our new key club shirts. if you did not get one, ask alfred at the next meeting. We also discussed what we are doing for our holiday project.