Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Halloween Party! Part 2

1: Unbreakable focus.
2: Katharine is mauled by children while Mike hides and DanMerritt ponders the questions of the universe.
3 & 4: Mike entertains with a rable-rousing round of "Banana Says". Things got serious.
5: Vampires, cats, and "vampire-cats" were all the rage at the face painting table.

Photos by Conor Manning

Halloween Party! Part 1

1: Face-painter extraordinaire Catherine Wade works on "ninja swords"
2: It's been decided: Fran is the BEST CAT EVER.
3: Katharine and Fran sport their face are in an effort to get the children excited for such.
4: Mike Casey as a lovable banana.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

10/27 Meeting

Well. I'd just like to say how much was accomplished at tonight's meeting. That being: SOMUCHZOMG. We broke into like 19876546 committees, and when there were committeeless people... THEY FORMED A COMMITTEE. There is no possible way of beating that, ever.
We also discussed the Cape Cod Child Development Halloween Party tomorrow (Key Club photographer Conor Manning will be snapping shots of adorable children having their faces someone...and loving their lives. So make sure you check back for a blog update with pictures, as the Manning children attempt to take over cyberspace...what...), Key Club week events--as co president Katharine Kirk so valiantly stated: "This. This is your time!"--, and we heard from Kiwanis president Mike Dubin about the development of a Main Street Sprint fundraiser! The tree committee looked like they were hard at work, so we mostly left them alone. It was better that way.
In the future: a tye-dye party is in the works. what more needs to be said. tentative locations of "sunday" at "fran's dad's house" were mentioned, but this blog (and facebook) are the premiere authorities of all tye-dye party information. DO NOT GET IT FROM ANY OTHER SOURCE. this party is the most exclusive of the year, and the paparazzi will do anything to make sure scandal is involved. all we want to do is tye dye.
Key Club All Stars!:
  • Mike Casey's mom- Thanks so much for covering all of those coffee cans! Your technique was flawless.
  • Reid McIntyre- collected an amount of money for Trick or Treat for UNICEF co president Nicole "Esmerelda" Horvath refers to as "maaaadddd money
Check back tomorrow for fun.."Halloweeny"..updates about the party!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Recent Meetings!

Oh snap. I'm SO VERY EXCITED!! to report that BHS Key Club has been getting down to business ( defeat..the Huns...) DanMerritt has collected more dues than I'm sure he'd even like to think about. There are literally no more seats for people (hence, the Science Book Avalanche of '09. Outreach programs will be available to all peoples affected) so many new members are showing up! We're making sub committees! For book drives! If things got more official, I'm pretty sure I'd be removed from my blogging position and replaced with someone of a far more serious nature.
In the realm of outstanding Key Club Members (not that all of you aren't beautiful enough for Christina Aguilera to sing about but...)Jazzy Megnia has made what has been described by Co-President Nicole Horvath as "the bossest book drive poster ever". And Catherine Wade and Mike Casey are coffee can pros. Keep up the great work!
Tonight, we planned for next week's event- a halloween party for the tots at Cape Cod Child Development. The word "haloweeny" was used far too often in discussing arts & crafts, dressing up, and something about a dancefloor...
Also, the debate between Disney and Dr. Suess raged on. Being a Suess proponent, I was a little disheartened to hear of Disney's "attractiveness" to a "wider variety of people." Whtvr.
Finally, things were ended with some icebreaker games. A rable rousing round of Assassin turned ugly when Katrina Malakhoff began slaying people left and right with her handshake of death. Players who approached the game more strategically were able to identify Katrina as the killing machine she really is. Everyone was resurrected for a hallway game of Red light Green light. After being eliminated, DanMerritt and I decided to impose a rival game of RLGL in the opposite direction. This failed. No one ran towards us.