Tuesday, December 7, 2010

12/7 meeting

running da meeting
Me on a Blackberry Torch-it's kind of a big deal
Hey! Tonight we talked about what we are doing for this holiday season. So, we are doing Dress Alive Doll from the Salvation Army. We are doing a girl, and will be meeting on Dec.17 at the Cape Cod Mall at 5 to shop for her. Also, we are doing another girl for a different program. You can bring stuff in for her to Mrs. Monroe's room. Ask Dan for more information. Next week, we will have are pin introduction ceremony. Ask Alfred if you still want to order a shirt.

11/30 meeting

Gracie lovin her new shirt.
New shirts! Get excited!
Hello key club kids! The meeting of 11/30 we got our new key club shirts. if you did not get one, ask alfred at the next meeting. We also discussed what we are doing for our holiday project.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Baking Party Pictures

Computer addicts...
Sophie and I rocking the PB cookies
Meghan's pride and joy: the burnt sugar cookies
baking up a storm

Baking Party for the Noah Shelter!

Tuesday night was a baking extravaganza to benefit the Noah shelter. A variety of cookies were made for the shelter, which is in need this holiday season. Thank to all those attended, it was a major success! Some minor issues happened ( burning cookies, fire alarms, etc), but in the end the goods were awesome! Well done. Now that I got the blog up and running(sorry bout that) you can check here if you miss a meeting, or if you wanna check out some pics of our good deeds. Happy thanksgiving everyone!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

11/3 Meeting

Tonight at Key Club, ideas were thrown around like things that are thrown around often are thrown around. We made progress in literally every area known to man, and a few only known to canines. The most progressive of which was the Read-a-thon!

To tie into the "Live to Learn" theme and to get our book drive off the ground, a Read-a-thon is in the works. Essentially, students would pay $5 to come and read for a block in the field house, or somewhere. BUT!! if they brought a book (haannnhhh?), the fee would be reduced to $3 (and sorry, Gary Soto, we aren't taking oranges.) This would be a school-wide event as to get the Key Club name out to the growing population of students not listening to the daily bulletins.

Because who doesn't want to escape a few agonizing blocks of their day? So the donated books would bolster the book drive, we'd make some money through admission and a bake sale that would benefit the club and a charity. We're also trying to involve kids in the child development program. Think there are no more wins for us to win. Well, you've never been more wrong in your sad, pitiful life. We get to read...for fun! "Shove a book down their throats," as Kirk so eloquently stated.

Also, we re-collected some of the Trick or Treat for UNICEF boxes, and it was pretty apparent there was tons of change. TONS. so great job everyone! Despite the tree committee's absence, the coffee can committee stepped up to the plate and informed us of their progress to date. (yeah i know that rhymed.) We also formed a new committee for the read-a-thon! We discussed attendance at the Regional Training Conference, and a new service project to make sandwiches for the homeless. All of this in half an hour? You have no idea.

But perhaps the most controversial issue on the table was the tye-dye party. We have resolved that reverse tye-dying at the Kirk residence on Thursday at 3 p.m. is the best way to approach the situation. Please check the facebook group for all of the latest info pertaining to the most exclusive fashion event of the season.

And congrats to the Key Club All Stars of the Week!:
  • We'd like to thank Toria Vincent Campbell for participating in the Mass Audubon Halloween childrens' event!
  • And we'd also like to recognize Mike Casey for being a spectacular banana.
The next post will be of the snazzy group shot of all of us, but you should check out the ones after that for shots of the wikiddope tye-dye party and more!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Halloween Party! Part 2

1: Unbreakable focus.
2: Katharine is mauled by children while Mike hides and DanMerritt ponders the questions of the universe.
3 & 4: Mike entertains with a rable-rousing round of "Banana Says". Things got serious.
5: Vampires, cats, and "vampire-cats" were all the rage at the face painting table.

Photos by Conor Manning

Halloween Party! Part 1

1: Face-painter extraordinaire Catherine Wade works on "ninja swords"
2: It's been decided: Fran is the BEST CAT EVER.
3: Katharine and Fran sport their face are in an effort to get the children excited for such.
4: Mike Casey as a lovable banana.